The Natural History of the Plastic Bag

Have you ever thought about what happens to that plastic grocery bag? Maybe you use it to take out your trash, maybe it gets dropped by your car, or you threw it out on the street. That plastic bag, however, when left to photo degrade and not recycled, travels out (eventually) to the ocean and wreaks havoc on many different levels.

Though this video focuses solely on the plastic bag, any kind of trash is susceptible to finding it's way to the oceans, whether through stormdrains, falling into rivers and streams, or taken to the beach directly by humans. Any kind of littering increases the chances of plastics and other garbage getting into the watershed (local river or stream system) and down to the ocean.
Below is a picture showing how trash can accumulate along a watershed and eventually flow to the ocean.



  1. Hi Britta,

    I found your site very interesting! I loved the plastic bag video, it actually made me laugh. Also, very nice choice for the backdrop photo.
    The issue here is clear. This is a major problem, and I am surprised I haven't heard more about it.

    One thing I would warn, is letting the videos do all of the talking. Also some questions you may want to answer. How does most of that trash get out there? Usually trash is targeted for landfills, but how does it get out into the ocean? (besides flying there like the plastic bag;) how do the gyres form? What are the mechanics to the ocean currents that cause the garbage to collect? How much of the seafood that we eat is affected? and how exactly does the plastic chemicals effect humans?
    You have a lot of good points on your from page. Maybe it would be good to expand on those 4 points that you have, possibly with answering some of these questions. Also, what can be done now? Maybe this is where you can include a synthesis graphic, of ways we can cut back plastic use or something..or how we may cut back on plastic bag use..

    Good job again and good luck!
    -Kristina Sednev

  2. I agree with Kristina, the plastic bag video is cleaver!! It is nice to have it brought in a different mediums, however, the videos on what is trash island say very similar points that what is explained on the home page, perhaps just elaborating a little could go a long way.
